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Koordination europäischer transnationaler Forschung in biologischen Lebensmittel und Landwirtschaftssystemen


CORE Organic is the acronym for "Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems". As an ERA-NET action, it intends to increase cooperation between national research activities. CORE Organic Plus is the continuation of the ERA-Nets CORE Organic I and CORE Organic II. Compared to the previous CORE Organic ERA-Nets the Plus ERA-Net will benefit from an additional top-up funding by the European Commission. CORE Organic Plus consists of 24 partners from 21 countries/regions. The overall objective of CORE Organic is to enhance quality, relevance and utilization of resources in European research in organic food and farming and to establish a joint pool for financing transnational research in organic food and farming. The background for this objective is that the public European research and development effort in organic food and farming is characterized by small research communities, often scattered and fragmented both geographically and institutionally. This generates a need for gathering the dispersed expertise into a critical mass, to maintain and increase the competitive quality and relevance of research.

Offizielle Projektwebsitehttp://www.coreorganic.org
Detaillierte Projektbeschreibung

The Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) will mandate FiBL to lead WP5 (Dissemination and impact) and to interact with other work packages as required.
The objectives of WP5 are

  • To publish information on CORE Organic  and the funded projects via differ-ent dissemination tools such as websites, newsletters etc.
  • To improve and disseminate project/research results nationally and interna-tionally to stakeholders and end users (e.g. via research seminars).
  • To improve the functionality and capacity of Organic Eprints for both pro-jects and reports.
  • To assess the impact of CORE Organic funded projects
  • CORE Organic Plus/ Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft (BLW)
  • Europäische Union, 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm
FiBL Projektleitung/ Kontakt
  • Niggli Urs ()
(nicht verlinkte Personen sind ehemalige FiBL Mitarbeitende)
FiBL Mitarbeitende
Rolle des FiBL

WP Leader

Weiterführende Informationen


FiBL Projektnummer 552110
Änderungsdatum 25.09.2023