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QualityLowInputFood: Improving quality and safety and reduction of cost in the European organic and 'low input' supply chains


The research activities, which are carried out in order to fulfil the objectives of QualityLowInputFood, are subdivided into seven subprojects.

Subproject 1 focus on a detailed analysis of consumer expectations/attitudes and buying behaviours, with respect to quality and safety of foods produced in organic and low input production systems.

Subproject 2 focus on the extent to which consumer expectation with respect to the quality and safety of food from organic and “low input” systems are justified, by testing selected hypothesis with regard to differences in the composition, sensory quality and microbial loads of foods from different production systems and their impact on human and livestock health.

Subprojects 3, 4, 5 and 6 then focus on improving and assuring the quality and safety of foods from low input and organic production systems, throughout the food chain, while seeking gains in production efficiency leading to lower production costs. They address known consumer concerns and technological bottlenecks in primary production, processing, and trading/retailing and quality assurance for specific model crop and livestock commodities.

Subproject 7 horizontal activities are activities (workpackages), which are shared between all or several subprojects and support activities under subprojects 1 to 6 in achieving the overall project objective and the 4 specific objectives.

Site web officiel du projethttp://www.qlif.org/index.html
Programme (de recherche)
  • Union Européenne: 6e Programme Cadre de Recherche
Direction du projet du FiBL / contact
  • Niggli Urs ()
(les personnes sans lien sont d’anciens collaborateurs du FiBL)
Collaborateurs du FiBL (les personnes sans lien sont d’anciens collaborateurs du FiBL)

Akademische Koordination

Numéro du projet FiBL 35001
Date de modification 07.03.2024