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Harmonised and standardised procedures for evaluation of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil conditioners for use in organic agriculture


The objective of this Concerted Action is to develop recommendations for harmonized and standardised procedures for evaluation of Plant Protection Products (PPP) and Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners (F&SC) authorised for use in organic agriculture according to EEC 2092/91, Annex II. The project consists of 6 workpackages (WPs) with 5 workshops. WP1 is for coordination and project management. Inventories on curent implementation of Annex II and evaluation procedures in the participating countries will be elaborated in WP2 (PPP) and WP3 (F&SC). Standardised procedures for evaluation of PPP and F&SC will be elaborated in WP4 & WP5. Recommendations on evaluation procedures for PPP and F&SC plus research needs and dissemination will be discussed in WP6. This Concerted Action provides a discussion forum questions related to the evaluation of PPP or F&SC for organic farming. Institution engaged in this area are kindly invited to participate in the discussions.

Programme (de recherche)
  • Union Européenne: 5e Programme Cadre de Recherche
Direction du projet du FiBL / contact
Collaborateurs du FiBL
  • Schmid Otto (Département des systèmes agri-alimentaires)
  • Tamm Lucius (Département des sciences des plantes)
(les personnes sans lien sont d’anciens collaborateurs du FiBL)


Numéro du projet FiBL NN
Date de modification 17.06.2019