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Prevention of selected diseases and parasites in organic pig herds – by means of a HACCP based management and surveillance programme


The overall objective of the project is to promote animal health and welfare in organic pig herds in Europe. The variation in pig health between organic herds is likely to be caused by different management routines in the herds. To improve animal welfare it is therefore important to investigate the relation between management and parasite/disease occurrence, and based on this, to develop a disease management tool applicable on farm.


Core Projekt


Programme (de recherche)
  • CORE Organic I/ Office fédéral de l'agriculture (OFAG)
Direction du projet du FiBL / contact
  • Früh Barbara (Département vulgarisation, formation & communication)
Collaborateurs du FiBL
Numéro du projet FiBL 55111
Date de modification 02.08.2023