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Breeding white lupin for resistance & quality for innovative Swiss food from sustainable, regional production

Original titleZüchtung der Weissen Lupine auf Resistenz & Qualität für innovative Schweizer Lebensmittel aus einer nachhaltigen, regionalen Produktion

LUPINNO SUISSE project aims at developing anthracnose-tolerant varieties with low alkaloid content in order to support the production of innovative, plant-based and protein-rich white lupin products from sustainable farming in Switzerland.

The project includes: (1,2) the development of low-alkaloid, anthracnose tolerant candidate varieties; (3) the setup of a breeding programme together with Getreidezüchtung Peter Kunz (gzpk); (4) variety trials; (5) identification of the market potential of white lupin, surveys, calculations, and networking for all stakeholders of the value chain, including workshops especially for food processors.

Detailed Description

The project LUPINNO SUISSE includes the following activities:

  1. Anthracnose tolerance: Expand and improve the existing gene pool from past selection at FiBL with new sources of resistance and new methods (marker assisted selection, genomic selection) for variety development.
  2. Low-alkaloid accumulation: Development of stable sweet breeding lines (alkaloids <0.02%) by pyramidization of low-alkaloid genes and crossing into re-sistant gene pool. Elaborate tools for marker-assisted selection and develop rapid methods for non-destructive selection.
  3. Develop marketable varieties: Establish a breeding programme to develop candidate varieties with a combination of low-alkaloid and anthracnose tolerance from FiBL's advanced gene pool. Bring resulting varieties to market maturity.
  4. Test suitability for cultivation and en-vironmental stability: Testing candidate varieties and new foreign varieties of white lupin for cultivation, as well as exchange with partners in Germany to check environmental stability of yield, alkaloid content and anthracnose tolerance.
  5. From seed to plate: Identification of the market potential of white lupin through surveys of relevant actors in the value chain, calculation of product costs and economic risks, implementation of workshops especially for food processors and establishment and expansion of a network for domestic grain legumes, especially lupins.
Financing/ Donor
  • Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG)
(Research) Program
  • Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) – Research, training and innovation
Project partners
  • Getreidezüchtung Peter Kunz
  • Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (LfL)
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff (people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Role of FiBL
  • Project coordination
FiBL project number 25102
Date modified 20.03.2024