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Anniversary voices: "I am interested in further developing the network"

Nadja El Benni.

Nadja El Benni has been a member of Agroscope's Executive Board since 2017. (Photo: Agroscope, Gabriele Brändli)

FiBL celebrated its 50th birthday in 2023. After the Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Organic Agriculture was established on 1 February 1973, FiBL was able to start its work on 1 April 1974. That is why, until April, several "anniversary voices" will contribute to the celebrations.

These voices will share their perspectives on FiBL and talk about their relationship with the institute. This time, it is Nadja El Benni's turn. She has been a member of Agroscope's Executive Board since 2017, where she heads the "Sustainability Assessment and Agricultural Management" research division. Prior to this, she worked at FiBL as a scientist in the area of food policy. She is also currently President of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (SGA).
