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Ökonomische Analyse des Tierwohls


The project proposal has been prepared in response to the call KBBE-2007-1-4-15 Assessing the socio-economic consequences and costs benefits of measures promoting good animal welfare . Central in this call is support to develop European policies implementing the Action Plan on Animal Welfare. Overall objective of the project is related to the policy instruments needed to achieve the aims of the Action Plan on Animal Welfare. At the end of the project we want to say what policy instruments are effective in the route towards higher animal welfare representing the concerns of civil society and in which competitiveness of the livestock industry is guaranteed. Basic questions in relation to objective

  1. What are the current welfare initiatives and standards within the EU and its trade partners?
  2. What are strength and weaknesses of these initiatives and standards to the animal, society and the production chain?
  3. What policy instruments can be designed to promote high(er) animal welfare standards as aimed at in the Action Plan on Animal Welfare, and how can progress be monitored?
  4. What are the benefits, costs and trade impacts of upgraded welfare standards?

Activities in relation to objective - Communicate and debate to realize interaction across scientists, relevant stakeholders and citizens - Review and analyse current state of animal welfare in selected EU states and third countries - Examine strength and weaknesses in the current animal welfare standards to opinion of animal scientists, the supply chain, and consumers and citizens - Perform a SWOT-analysis on approaches for upgraded animal welfare - Brainstorm on strategic options for the EU to implement the Action Plan on Animal Welfare - Assesses costs and benefits when approaches and policies are introduced within the production chain - Perform macro-economic analysis of the competitiveness of European agricultural sectors and the impact on world trade - Organise a concluding workshop.

Sito ufficiale del progetto
Descrizione dettagliata del progetto


Risultati del progettoPubblicazioni su Organic Eprints
Programma (di ricerca)
  • Europäische Union, 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm
Responsabile del progetto al FiBL / contatto
  • Schmid Otto (Dipartimento di scienze dei sistemi agroalimentari)
Gruppo/ Punto focale del lavoro/ Sedi
  • Sistemi agroaliementari (Dipartimento di scienze dei sistemi agroalimentari, FiBL Schweiz)
Numero di progetto del FiBL 35021
Data di modifica 13.06.2019