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Marie Dittmann

Appartenenza / funzione

  • FiBL Svizzera, Dipartimento di scienze animali, Gruppo Alimentazione degli animali

Campi di attività

  • Alimentazione dei ruminanti
  • Cavalli
  • Gestione dei pascoli


Pubblicazioni nella banca dati Organic Eprints

Pubblicazioni non incluse nella banca dati Organic Eprints

  • Dittmann, M. T., Arpagaus, S., Hungerbühler, V., Weishaupt, M. A., Latif, S. N. (2021): “Feel the Force”—Prevalence of Subjectively Assessed Saddle Fit Problems in Swiss Riding Horses and Their Association With Saddle Pressure Measurements and Back Pain. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 99, 103388
  • Clauss, M., Dittmann, M. T., Vendl, C., Hagen, K. B., Frei, S., Ortmann, S., ..., Kreuzer, M. (2020): Comparative methane production in mammalian herbivores. animal, 14(S1), s113-s123
  • Dittmann, M. T., Latif, S. N., Hefti, R., Hartnack, S., Hungerbühler, V., Weishaupt, M. A. (2020): Husbandry, use, and orthopedic health of horses owned by competitive and leisure riders in Switzerland. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 91, 103107
  • Müller-Quirin, J., Dittmann, M. T., Roepstorff, C., Arpagaus, S., Latif, S. N., Weishaupt, M. A. (2020): Riding Soundness—Comparison of Subjective With Objective Lameness Assessments of Owner-Sound Horses at Trot on a Treadmill. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 95, 103314
  • Waldern, N. M., Kubli, V., Dittmann, M. T., Amport, C., Krieg, C., Weishaupt, M. A. (2020): Effect of shoeing conditions on hoof dimensions in Icelandic and Warmblood horses. The Veterinary Journal, 259, 105461
  • Dittmann, M. T., Kreuzer, M., Runge, U., Clauss, M. (2017): Ingestive mastication in horses resembles rumination but not ingestive mastication in cattle and camels. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, 327(2-3), 98-109
  • Thomson, A. L., Humphries, D. J., Kliem, K. E., Dittmann, M. T., Reynolds, C. K. (2017): Effects of replacing maize silage with lucerne silage and lucerne silage chop length on rumen function and milk fatty acid composition. Journal of dairy science, 100(9), 7127-7138
  • Dittmann, M. T., Hammond, K. J., Kirton, P., Humphries, D. J., Crompton, L. A., Ortmann, S., ..., Clauss, M. (2016): Influence of ruminal methane on digesta retention and digestive physiology in non-lactating dairy cattle. British Journal of Nutrition, 116(5), 763-773
  • Vendl, C., Frei, S., Dittmann, M. T., Furrer, S., Ortmann, S., Lawrenz, A., ... & Clauss, M. (2016). Methane production by two non-ruminant foregut-fermenting herbivores: the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) and the pygmy hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon liberiensis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 191, 107-114
  • Dittmann, M. T., Hummel, J., Hammer, S., Arif, A., Hebel, C., Müller, D. W., ..., Clauss, M. (2015): Digesta kinetics in gazelles in comparison to other ruminants: Evidence for taxon-specific rumen fluid throughput to adjust digesta washing to the natural diet. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 185, 58-68
  • Dittmann, M. T., Runge, U., Ortmann, S., Lang, R. A., Moser, D., Galeffi, C., ..., Clauss, M. (2015): Digesta retention patterns of solute and different-sized particles in camelids compared with ruminants and other foregut fermenters. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 185(5), 559-573
  • Dittmann, M. T., Hebel, C., Arif, A., Kreuzer, M., Clauss, M. (2015): Metabolic rates of three gazelle species (Nanger soemmerringii, Gazella gazella, Gazella spekei) adapted to arid habitats. Mammalian Biology, 80(5), 390-394
  • Dittmann, M. T., Runge, U., Lang, R. A., Moser, D., Galeffi, C., Kreuzer, M., Clauss, M. (2014): Methane emission by camelids. PLoS One, 9(4), e94363
  • Dittmann, M. T., Hummel, J., Runge, U., Galeffi, C., Kreuzer, M., Clauss, M. (2014): Characterising an artiodactyl family inhabiting arid habitats by its metabolism: low metabolism and maintenance requirements in camelids. Journal of Arid Environments, 107, 41-48
  • Dittmann, M. T., Hebel, C., Hammer, S., Hummel, J., Ortmann, S., Arif, A., ... & Clauss, M. (2014). Energy requirements and metabolism of the Phillip's dikdik (Madoqua saltiana phillipsi). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 167, 45-51


  • Dittmann, M.T., Latif, S. N., Weishaupt, M. A., Garlagiu, D., & Zollinger, A. (2020): Agrocope Transfer Merkblatt: Passt mein Sattel meinem Pferd?: Erkennung der wichtigsten Passformprobleme beim Englischsattel. Agroscope Transfer, 348, 1-20.
