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Webinar on Sustainability Assessment Approaches

Join us for an exclusive online webinar focusing on cutting-edge sustainability assessment methodologies in agri-food systems!

Date: 18 April 2024
Time: 13:00-14:15 (CET)

This live event is tailored for scientists and professionals who want to learn more about sustainability assessment practices. While the webinar will be streamed live, you will need to register in advance to receive the link to join.

Our webinar aims to showcase the range of sustainability assessment approaches within FiBL's portfolio and provide participants with invaluable insights. Here's a preview of what to expect:

A) Brief introduction
B) 10-minute presentations on each method:

  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA Farm-model)
  • Mass flow model (sol-M)
  • Multicriteria Assesment (SMART-Farm tool)
  • Indicator Co-development approach (Photo-voice)

C) Q&A session and discussion with participants

During each presentation, we will look at the methodology's background, data requirements, operating mechanism and the sustainability questions it can address. We'll also dissect the advantages and drawbacks of each tool or approach to give participants a comprehensive understanding.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your expertise and explore innovative sustainability assessment methodologies! Register now to secure your place.

Further information


Link Registration