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Evaluating inputs for organic farming - a new system


This CD contains criteria for the evaluation of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil conditioners to be used in organic agriculture. These ideas were developed in the course of the European Union Concerted Action project "ORGANIC INPUTS EVALUATION" (QLK5-CT-2002-02565). The documents can be downloaded free of charge from

Autori e autrici B. Speiser, F. Blake, C. Micheloni, C. Stopes, M. Andersen, B. Baker, S. Bywater, S. Canali, R. Ø. Eriksen, V. Gonzalvez, A. Hozzank, L. M. Jespersen, L.N. Jørgensen, M. Kelderer, H. Kleeberg, C. Koopmans, B. Kromp, M. Manstretta, A. Maurer da Costa, MC. Monnier, A. Pauler, O. Schmid, A. Schreyer, A. Slabe, L. Tamm, M. Trapman, P. von Fragstein
Editori FiBL
Anno di pubblicazione 2005
Collana Elenco / Repertorio
Lingua Inglese
ISBN 978-3-906081-78-6
Numero di articolo 1401