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Develop roadmaps to improve the supply of organically produced seed and planting material until 2036

Original titleEntwicklung von Roadmaps zur Verbesserung der Versorgung mit ökologisch erzeugtem Saat- und Pflanzgut bis 2036

According to the EU Organic Regulation (EU Organic Regulation No. 2018/848, Article 53, paragraph 1), non-organic seed and planting material should no longer be used from 2037 onwards. However, currently in Germany, as in all other EU member states, the availability of organic seed and planting material (as well as the diversity of propagated varieties for many crops) is insufficient. Due to this supply gap, there is a continuous need in organic plant production to resort to non-organic, unpollinated plant propagation material by means of derogations. With the expansion of organic farming to 30 % of the German cultivated area by 2030 and a simultaneous expiry of the special permits for non-organic seed and planting material, there could be supply bottlenecks in the long term. For this reason, there is a very high need to expand organic seed and planting material production.

Financing/ Donor
  • Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
(Research) Program
  • Federal Scheme Organic Agriculture (BÖL)
Project partners
  • Bioland Beratung GmbH
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL

Coordination, Project management

Group/ Work area/ Location
FiBL project number 6322
Date modified 27.09.2023