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Management of bovine gastrointestinal parasites by grazing on the Sorens school farm

Original titleGestion par la pâture des parasites gastro-intestinaux du bovin sur la ferme école de Sorens

Given the problems of resistance and other aggravating factors related to certain deworming medication (impact on the environment), management options are being evaluated by research to reduce their use. The cattle's chance lies in the creation of an efficient immunity against strongyles (a group of worms). It is therefore necessary to promote this immunity. Grazing management is one of the most promising ways to avoid heavy infestations. Animals become infested daily by visiting pastures. Respecting certain practices related to the epidemiology of parasites can act preventively against acute problems.

Financing/ Donor
  • Grangeneuve (Competence centre of the Canton of Fribourg for training, advice and enforcement in the field of agriculture)
(Research) Program
  • Further programmes
Project partners
  • Sorens school farm
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
FiBL project number 70044
Date modified 07.03.2023