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CAP Transfer of Information Via Assessment, Training & Extension

Original titleCAP Transfer of Information Via Assessment, Training & Extension

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has a key role in supporting the European agricultural sector, managing the transition to sustainable food production systems and strengthening European farmers' efforts to contribute to the EU's strategies such as the Farm to Fork, Biodiversity Strategy and the Organic Action Plan. The aim of the project is to develop a farmer-centred assessment and training system by connecting the CAP requirements with proven, innovative, sustainable eco-management practices. The project results should therefore intended to help farmers gain a better insight into and improved understanding of rural development regulations (agri-environment measures), conditionality and eco-schemes. For the farmers it is essential to know how such measures work, production may be influenced and what benefits (not only support) they can expect from their application. Consequently, they should really be convinced to introduce and maintain suitable methods in their production practice.

Project website
Detailed Description

All results of the CAPTIVATE project are mainly aimed at farmers from Croatia, Hun-gary and Slovakia, but these will also be generally accessible.
The topics and areas of the project and the intended outcomes are:

  • CAP Eco-Practice Knowledge Base, which extracts the rules and requirements meaningful for farmers, and linking them with the detailed description of relevant good practice methods,
  • Eco-Farm Assessment Tool, which provides a detailed assessment of the characteristics, capabilities and potential of the farm in relation to the new CAP regulations and requirements, and also pays particular attention to the farmer as the decision-maker skills and attitude towards the available measures. FiBL has the main responsibility for the development of the Eco-Farm Assessment Tool.
  • CAPTIVATE Digital Platform, to present a central access to all the results of the project, and support the exploitation of those results using a multilingual interface in English and in the project languages,
  • methodological and professional training, accompanied with modular learning materials on high importance areas in ecological farming practices for members of the extension network (advisors, specialists),
  • methodology guides, which provide detailed information on the modules and content of the CAPTIVATE digital plat-form, as well as contextual information and a step-by-step guide on how to use them together.
Financing/ Donor
  • Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission (KA220-VET)
Project partners
  • ÖMKI (Hungary) - Project leader
  • Neumann-János-Universität (Hungary)
  • IPS Konzalting (Croatia)
  • Agroinštitút Nitra, štátny podnik (Slowakis)
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
  • Leitgeb Friedrich (Sustainability assessment; Crop production and vegetable growing)
Role of FiBL

Work package manager, Project partner

Group/ Work area/ Location
Date modified 21.01.2022