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Monitoring of biodiversity on a farm during transition to bio-dynamic agriculture in a Swiss upland (2016-2025)

Original titleMonitoring der biologischen Vielfalt auf dem Hofgut Gross-Schönthal (2016-2025)


From 2016 onwards, the effects of ecological upgrading in the context of the conversion to biodynamic farming methods will be investigated and documented in a ten-year monitoring programme. The levy year 2016 serves as a reference (baseline), i.e. as an indicator for the changes over the following years. The knowledge gained about the occurrence of animal and plant species is also intended to help the farmer develop a nature-conserving and targeted management. The aim is to meet or even exceed the official requirements for particularly valuable biodiversity areas (quality level 2).

Selected hotspots with great potential will be investigated in order to show the success of the newly implemented measures. Plants, wild bees and butterflies are used to observe organisms that interact closely with biodiversity in the landscape. These selected taxa are considered ideal and very suitable indicators, and they fulfil important functions in the natural balance in the hill and mountain areas. In particular, the diversity of plants and wild bees is of outstanding importance for the conservation of biological diversity.

Financing/ Donor
  • Several Swiss foundations
(Research) Program
  • Further programmes
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
FiBL project number 20038
Date modified 10.08.2020