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Pyrolysis of sewage sludge and heavy metal elimination for phosphorus recycling

Original titleKlärschlamm-Pyrolyse und Schwermetallentfrachtung zum Phosphor-Recycling

In this research project, a process to recycle phosphorus from sewage sludge is evaluated. The process consists of a pyrolysis at a medium temperature in combination with a decoupled removal of heavy metals, and is evaluated in terms of its economic efficiency. In an extensive study on plant availability, it is tested how effective the products are as fertilizers. Additionally, a strategy for an approval procedure according to the fertiliser regulation is developed.

Financing/ Donor
  • Eidgenössisches Departement für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung WBF
  • Kommission für Technologie und Innovation KTI
(Research) Program
  • Further programmes
Project partners
  • Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
  • Hochschule für Life Sciences, Institut für Ecopreneurship
  • CTU Clean Technology Universe AG
  • Eidgenössische Anstalt für Wasserversorgung, Abwasserreinigung und Gewässerschutz
  • Abwasserverband Altenrhein
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
  • Bünemann-König Else (Department of Soil Sciences)
  • Koller Martin (Department of Crop Sciences)
  • Kuhn Anton (Department of Soil Sciences)
(people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
FiBL project number P10085
Date modified 12.11.2019