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Anti Fraud Initiative: Fourth Workshop in Brussels

More then 60 representatives from authorities, trade and certification bodies from 12 European countries and the US met in Brussels to exchange information, and come to better practices and cooperation to reduce the incidence of fraud and irregularities in the organic trade in and into the European market. The meeting followed up on earlier meetings in Bonn, Frick (CH), Amsterdam, Hamburg and Bologna.

The Group of Traders presented the status of the code of conduct which should not only focus on fraud prevention but also on social aspects and decided to further develop the toolbox for risk assessment for the national and international trade.

Also the certification bodies have developed a code of conduct and are now aiming at getting further signatories from Europe and abroad.

The authorities addressed various aspects of cross-boarder communication and surveillance. They agreed that the communication among the member states has considerably improved as a result of the AFI initiative.

Participants concluded that the most important aspect of the AFI initiative is providing a platform which brings all stakeholders together. Subsequently this character shall be maintained and the focus of further activities will be on exchange of ideas, information and awareness creation. It was further suggested to continue with country-focus workshop such as the one in Italy. Stakeholder interested in a organizing a national workshop in their countries are invited to contact the AFI organizers.

Further information on the Anti-Fraud-Initiative is available on

The next event will be at BioFach, 18.02.2010, 13:00 – 14:00 room Istanbul, where the activities and results of the Anti-Fraud-Initiative will be presented.

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