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Dissemination of appropriate agroforestry practices in the Sahel

Original titleDissemination of appropriate agroforestry practices in the Sahel

The project " Dissemination of appropriate agroforestry practices in the Sahel", or (DAAPS), develops and builds on the research efforts developed by the SustainSahel project coordinated by FiBL. The DAAPS project expands the existing SustainSahel network and includes new villages and farmers, increasing the reach of the project’s main messages.

Aditionally, the project integrates innovative dissemination practices, coupled with a developmental approach that seeks to promote change on the ground, particularly in what comes to the perception and adoption of agroforestry practices. The project will organize outdoor cinema sessions with instructive agricultural learning videos using a portable projector with a focus on ecological crop and soil management, as well as train villagers as nusery caretakers and implement nurseries for native trees, including their follow-up during the project scope.

The project is funded by philanthropist Daniel Brunner.

Project partners
  • Agrisud, Senegal
  • Tiipaalga, Burkina Faso
  • Association Maliénne pour la solidarité et le dévéloppement (AMSD), Mali
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
FiBL project number 65230
Date modified 31.05.2024